Calculate your saving potential in two easy steps.

Besides the food waste cost saving you are also saving the environment by reducing water waste and CO2 emission.
Step 1: How many waste bins do you take out every week?
Step 2: How many locations do you have?
More than 50 locations? Please get in contact to talk through your potential.
More than 50 locations? Please get in contact to talk through your potential.
The amount of waste bins you take out every week
The amount of locations you have
The average amount of waste per trash can
The price per kilogram of food waste
52 Weeks
Number of weeks a location is open per year


With Orbisk, it's possible to save around 50 percent of your food waste.

{currency} {result} per year

totalWater LITER

water saving per year

total co2 KG

CO2 saving per year

Want to receive your results and tips on reducing food waste?

Enter your company name & e-mail address to get your saving potential which you can easily share. You'll also receive our actionable tips on reducing food waste. Start saving right away!

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